Clucky Corner

Zoe @ East Sussex Smallholders
Hatching Posted Chicken Eggs Using An Incubator
People buy hatching eggs online from our home reared, often rare bred, fertile chickens every week, and I'm always being asked for top tips how to hatch eggs in an incubator, especially if you do not have a broody hen to do the work. Today I'm here to...
How to Sex Guinea Fowl - A Lesson In Guinea Fowl Sexing
If you're as passionate about poultry as we are, especially our extensive flock of guinea fowl, you'll find this topic intriguing: how to sex guinea fowl. If you are looking to buy guinea fowl hatching eggs, you may have come across our smallholding...
Best Duck Jokes They are Quacking Funny.... (and Cheesey)
Sometimes smallholding life is hard, and if you don't laugh you'll cry - Dive into our collection of funny/unfunny duck jokes that are sure to quack you up. These puns offer a light-hearted glimpse into the world of ducks, so are you ready for a quacking...
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Keeping Poland Chickens
At our East Sussex smallholding, we have a deep appreciation for the distinctive Poland chicken, also known as the Polish chicken. These birds, with their unique crests and engaging personalities, offer a mix of advantages and disadvantages that we've...