Do Silkies Make Good Chickens for Beginners?

Do Silkies Make Good Chickens for Beginners?

Silkies are one of the most distinctive and beloved chicken breeds, adored for their fluffy, fur-like feathers and friendly, gentle nature. Often chosen as pet chickens, Silkies are a popular choice for both beginners and seasoned poultry keepers alike. However, are they truly beginner-friendly? Here’s a complete look at the pros and cons of raising Silkies, along with tips and tools to keep them healthy and happy.

Why Choose Silkies as Pets?

1. Friendly and Docile Nature
Silkies are famously calm and approachable, making them a great choice for families or first-time chicken owners. They’re easy to handle, gentle with children, and are often described as one of the most “pet-like” chicken breeds due to their endearing personalities.

2. Distinctive Appearance
With their fluffy, unique feathers, Silkies stand out in any backyard flock. Available in a range of colours, including white, black, and blue, they bring visual interest and charm. Their small size makes them manageable and approachable for pet owners, especially those seeking a decorative breed.

3. Steady Egg Production
While not prolific layers, Silkies typically produce around 100-120 small, cream-coloured eggs annually, or about 2-3 eggs weekly. This modest output makes them ideal for owners looking for a small, reliable egg supply without the high maintenance of a heavy-laying breed.

4. Natural Broodiness
Silkies are highly broody, meaning they instinctively want to sit on eggs and hatch chicks. For pet owners interested in expanding their flock, this can be a benefit. However, managing broodiness can be challenging, as broody hens eat and drink less, requiring careful monitoring to prevent health issues.

Key Tips for Keeping Silkies Healthy and Happy

1. Feather Maintenance and Pest Control
Silkie feathers are more susceptible to mites and other pests. Regular use of mite and lice powder and diatomaceous earth helps prevent infestations, and frequent feather checks are recommended. Their feathers also lack waterproofing, so keeping them dry is crucial, especially in rainy or damp weather.

2. Broodiness and Nutrition Support
Given their strong tendency to go broody, Silkies often benefit from additional nutrition. A poultry vitamin supplement can support their immune health during and after broody periods, helping them stay strong while they’re less active.

3. Shelter in Cold or Wet Weather
Silkies are not particularly cold or wet weather-hardy. Their dense feathers can easily become damp, leading to chills, so a small coop heater is useful in colder months to maintain a warm environment. 

4. Compatibility with Other Chickens
Silkies do best in flocks with other gentle breeds, as they may be easily bullied by larger or more assertive chickens. They’re most comfortable with friendly breeds like Cochins or Faverolles, which can help reduce stress and avoid injury.

Are Silkies Expensive?

Silkies are generally more expensive than hybrid or commercial laying breeds, typically costing around £40-£50 per hen due to their ornamental qualities and specialised breeding. However, for pet owners seeking a friendly, distinctive bird with manageable egg production, Silkies are often well worth the investment.

Silkies Available at East Sussex Smallholders

Here at East Sussex Smallholders, we offer a variety of Silkies, including hatching eggs, chicks, and sexed adult females. For those looking to build or expand their Silkie flock, we also have a limited number of Silkie cockerels available.

Suggested Products for Silkie Care

- Mite and Lice Powder – Essential for keeping Silkie feathers free from pests. 
- Poultry Vitamin Supplement – Ideal for boosting immunity, particularly during broody periods. 
- Small Coop Heater – Keeps Silkies warm and comfortable in colder weather.

Silkies are beloved for their gentle nature and charming appearance, making them a rewarding choice for pet owners willing to invest in a little extra care. With the right tools, they can become a delightful addition to your pet flock, bringing joy and character to any backyard.