How to Sex Guinea Fowl - A Lesson In Guinea Fowl Sexing

How to Sex Guinea Fowl - A Lesson In Guinea Fowl Sexing

If you're as passionate about poultry as we are, especially our extensive flock of guinea fowl, you'll find this topic intriguing: how to sex guinea fowl. If you are looking to buy guinea fowl hatching eggs, you may have come across our smallholding as we have one of the largest selections of guinea fowl in the South East, so I can safely say I've learned a thing or two about sexing these unique birds. Let me share some practical, and often humorous top tips into the art of guinea fowl sexing.

Voice: The Standout Method for Sexing Guinea Fowl

Our top tip for sexing guinea fowl!!! - In the world of guinea fowl sexing, the most reliable indicator is their vocalizations. The male guinea fowl produce a one-syllable sound, while the females have a distinctive two-syllable call, humorously reminiscent of "come back". On our farm, this has led to the lighthearted idea that the females are constantly ‘nagging’ the males to “come back” from the pub :~) 

Behaviour and Stance: Key Observations in Sexing

Another critical aspect of how to sex guinea fowl is observing their behaviour and posture. The males often exhibit a more upright stance and show assertiveness, especially evident during mating season. In contrast, the females display more subdued demeanour. Watching their interactions during activities like feeding can provide valuable insights into their sex.

Physical Features: Wattles and Helmets as Indicators

Focusing on physical traits is also essential in guinea fowl sexing. Typically, males have larger wattles and more pronounced helmets than females. Although these differences can be subtle, they are noteworthy for anyone keen on learning how to sex guinea fowl.

Feather Details: A Subtler Sexing Technique

Examining the feathers can offer additional clues. Males usually have slightly rounder and fuller feathers, particularly around the back and neck, while females tend to have more streamlined feathers. This method requires a closer look but can be quite effective.

Age Factor: Understanding Developmental Changes

Age plays a significant role in sexing guinea fowl. As guinea fowl mature, the differences in their calls, behaviour, and physical traits become more pronounced. It's easier to sex guinea fowl that are at least a few months old, as very young keets (baby guinea fowl) don’t show many distinguishing features.

Seasonal Behaviour: Mating Patterns and Nesting Habits

Observing guinea fowl during different seasons can also aid in sexing. During the breeding season, males become more territorial and show off more, while females might start showing nesting behaviours. These seasonal behaviours provide additional context for sexing guinea fowl.

Colour Variations: A Less Reliable Indicator

While not as reliable, some guinea fowl breeds show colour variations between males and females. However, this is breed-specific and should be used in conjunction with other methods for accurate sexing.


Learning how to sex guinea fowl is an engaging and essential aspect of managing a flock, especially for those of us who deal with breeding and selling hatching eggs. On our farm, we’ve had our fair share of experience and learning curves with these charming birds. Remember, while these methods for guinea fowl sexing are generally dependable, nature always has a way of keeping things interesting!

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