Open From Saturday 1st February

(For Collection of Pre-Ordered Birds)

Point of Lay Garden Chickens

Classic Sussex Hen, typical markings with white body and black neck and tail feathers. Certainly very popular in the South of England, especially for the chicken keepers who live in Sussex. We often also have the Reverse Sussex, aka Silver Sussex, which makes a lovely pair. 

The Cuckoo Maran is a plump pretty bird that can be a little bit lazy in personality. Maybe this is why it's often the biggest bird in the hen house. Also known as CouCou Maran or Barred Plymouth Rock Hen. Laid back nature, larger than average. Often does a double yoker... 

Lilac splash - one of the prettiest birds, I love to pair these with a Bluebelle, as they look similar so blend well together, but different enough that you can easily tell them apart. One of the lighter weight ladies, creamy off white egg. 

These hens come in different feather colours - we don't know yet what batch we will get delivered... its all about the egg colour, not the feather colour with these ladies... Pastel Green Egg Layers are the show stoppers of the egg box. 

Blue Egg Layers are the show stoppers of the egg box, although they lay a little less than other chickens, we still think they are worth adding to your coup as the eggs are very unusual. 

Available to collect from 1st April 2025 - 100% the best layer and the easiest of all our birds, robust, no hassle, won't argue or get into any pecking order issues. Absolutely a great bird for practical reasons. Personality is very standoff ish, hard to bond with as they are just too busy foraging all the time!